Female winegrower

Woman of Wine or Woman’s Wine?

The question is often asked…

My wines are a bit like my children. I raise them so that they flourish, by taking care of them, by guiding them but without ever imposing my choices on them. They are themselves, not necessarily feminine, sincere and without artifice, “good in their skin” and digestible.

In the cellar, without imposing my style, I do as little intervention as possible, I use indigenous yeasts and have modern tools for careful vinification. The wines are fruity, expressive from their first years and their aromas intensify thereafter. Discover the personality and the true character of each of our terroirs in our cuvées.

We offer them for sale when they have reached a level of expression that we deem sufficient.

Beautiful encounters await you…

From the vineyard to the cellar

Philosophy & Know-How
muriel dans les jeunes vignes domaine gueth

In construction…

vignes en hivers apres la taille

We take great care of our vines and even more of our old vines. From family selections and grafts, we replant as much as possible with grafts from these same varieties. The old vines are less productive but much more qualitative.

We cultivate our plots to create a link with the terroir and reveal to you the personality of each of our cuvées. Also, for more than 30 years, we have preserved the balance of the soil by alternating plowing and natural grassing. Thus, our vines have a very deep root network, directly in contact with the trace elements of the soil and the minerals of our sandstone and / or limestone rocks. Our wines thus gain in typicity, salinity, structure, complexity and aromatic expression.

Furthermore, in accordance with the AB charter, we do not use any pesticides (synthetic chemicals) to treat the vineyard. The domain’s organic certification is in progress.

muriel gueth preleve du jus a la cuve

In the cellar, without imposing my style, I accompany my wines so that they flourish and express themselves at best by themselves. I perform as little intervention as possible, use very few inputs and have modern tools for careful vinification.

We are equipped with a pneumatic press, modern technologies, and stainless steel tanks. The juices are gently extracted. Indigenous yeasts allow natural fermentation without temperature control.

After their fermentation, the wines remain for 3 to 6 months on fine lees, then are racked and undergo filtration for clarification. Bottling is carried out at the estate by a certified external company. The wines are poorly oxygenated. They are fruity, expressive from their first years and their aromas intensify thereafter.

We offer them for sale when they have reached a level of expression that we deem sufficient.

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